My Glassartiste Profile

Monday, February 7, 2011

Amethysts Bottles

Before a bottle is purpled (earlier post), it is clear with a tinge of pink at its base.  In sunlight, the pink turns to amethysts. Exposure to sunlight is slower than the artificial, accelerated process. Before a window standing solitary or en-masse, amethysts-colored bottles have allot of 'shelf time' as these decorative pieces gradually blush! Glass artist

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Purpled Bottles

I love collecting & photographing purpled, antique bottles! These 90 + year old bottles are hand-blown.  Clear bottles with a tinge of pink at its base, over time turn amethysts in sunlight. Accelerate this process with x-ray or gamma-ray(?) & you have purpled glass! Glass artist